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Primitive Craft Items



Knives and assorted Tools



Joe Schilling, better known as the "Deer Runner" is well known for his skills as a woodsman in the survival community ....

What isn't quite as well known, but should be, is that he's a well qualified primitive style smith. His knives have an authenticity to them that fits in well with any situation whether it's a colonial period re-enactment, a zombie apocalypse or even a post nuclear holocaust.

Have a look at what's available, and if you don't see what you're looking for then drop Joe a line. You just might be pleasantly surprised.




"...As an author, and longtime friend of Joe, I was only able to come up with one thing to do, to give this knife the attention it deserved.

I wrote it into a story, as a further extension of myself. ..."
                                                  K R Chin
                            "Survivors of the Apocalypse"

"... That is just HAWT! Thank you for making that for me!
                                            Clint Hollingsworth

                                       "The Wandering Ones"


"...  I've said it before and I'll say it again. Joe makes the best damn knives I've ever used. ..."

                                                    Charles Garcia
                                                    "Forever Faire"

Charles Garcia modeling his Neck Knife
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